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Mixed Use
Urban Design

Lincoln & Third at Bankside are transit-oriented mixed-use developments located between the Metro North Rail and Third Avenue bridges. Central to the revitalization of the Bronx & Harlem River Shoreline, these long-term restoration plans have transformed the former brownfield sites into vibrant and resilient communities with premiere waterfront access. MPFP was selected as the landscape architect to design and implement the public & private outdoor spaces - interior courtyards, amenity terraces, pedestrian and vehicular entrances, and an expansive waterfront promenade encompassing over 34,000 square feet of publicly accessible waterfront along the rehabilitated Bronx River shoreline.

Native ornamental planting and various custom seating elements adorn the length of the winding esplanade, creating unique pockets in which visitors and residents alike can gather in a garden environment with riverfront views. The private open spaces include a pool & sun decks, outdoor kitchens and living rooms, roof-top gardens, and interior and exterior amenity spaces. While understated, the ground-plane materiality is largely industrial in nature, creating a juxtaposition with the naturalized native plantings that references the history of the industrial waterfront. Using custom wood and concrete benches, movable tables and chairs, trellis structures, and wood decking, MPFP developed a curated vision for the contemporary urban waterfront environment.


Bronx, NY


Brookfield Properties



4.7 Acres





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