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767 5th Avenue Plaza

Parks & Recreational
Urban Design

Located on Fifth Avenue just below Central Park, this iconic Apple store is best known for its entrance, a beckoning cube of glass atop General Motors Plaza. Since opening in 2006, the remaining plaza space surrounding the cube served a space for passive seating, albeit with little actual seating. In January of 2017, Boston Properties invited Norman Foster to redesign the landscaping of the plaza. MPFP provided construction drawings to help the fountain and skylights to come to fruition. Foster expanded on the de-facto function of the space by adding café-seating on both sides of the cube, enclosed by rows of honey locust trees. A mixture of movable and fixed seating allows the space flexibility, and provides 5th avenue’s shoppers with options. Attention to the space below is directed by the presence of circular skylights, flush with the paving, that line the edge of the plaza. Those situated in the center of the seating areas are raised and provide additional seating. With space added for the passive viewing of 5th avenue’s bustle or simply waiting for your Genius appointment, the newly renovated General Motors Plaza will remain an iconic space to enjoy.


New York, NY


Boston Properties


Plaza Design


23,189 SF




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